Our Philosophy
To meet and exceed customer expectations. Our philosophy is really quite simple. Provide our customer a product or service that meets or exceeds their needs, wants, and expectations. We offer some of the very best hot tubs in the industry and always have a large selection on display for you to physically see and touch. Many of these models are running, so customers can see the hot tub in action.
Allow us to help you select the spa of your dreams. By asking questions and listening to the customer we can help guide them to which models they should consider based on their specific needs. Our experienced therapy consultants have attended extensive product training to provide them with the knowledge to explain and demonstrate the numerous features and benefits our spas offer.
Up front and honest, that is our sales belief. No sales gimmicks or tricks. No “smoke and mirrors” either. No pressure. We strive to create an atmosphere that is comfortable for our customer as they compare the different models and features when selecting their special hot tub. After all, the customer is who we are here for.
What Our Customers Are Saying:
Dear Sensational Spas,
“I shopped around at several other stores and found Ken’s presentation to be the best. Ken knew all the answers and allowed me to test soak spas with no pressure!”
– Rob
Dear Friends,
“Looks fantastic Ken! Thanks so much. We are very happy with the service and whole experience with you and Sensational!”
– Tom & Shelley